My Music

My musical style

My lyrical style is a blend of introspective self-examination, philosophical exploration, and social commentary, with a foundation in classic hip-hop and a raw, unfiltered edge. My lyrics challenge listeners to think critically about themselves and the world around them, while also providing a personal and relatable narrative that invites them to connect with your experiences and emotions.

As an artist, I'm deeply influenced by classic Hip-Hop, incorporating elements like storytelling, wordplay, and Hip-Hop culture references into my verses. I often pay homage to old-school Hip-Hop through my style and sound, keeping the spirit of the genre alive in my work.

My lyrics are filled with philosophical and spiritual concepts, drawing inspiration spiritual philosophy and the interconnectedness of life. I explore existential questions and delve into topics like "karma", meditation, and ego, challenging listeners to think critically about their own beliefs and experiences.

In addition to introspection and philosophy, my music tackles important societal issues like pollution, corruption, and the challenges of modern living. I strive to create songs that prompt reflection on the world around us, questioning the status quo and encouraging listeners to think critically and seek positive change.

As an artist, I'm not afraid to be raw and unfiltered. I address topics like relationships, self-image, and personal struggles with a blunt honesty that may shock or provoke listeners. I believe in staying true to myself and my experiences, and that authenticity is reflected in my lyrics.

I also like to inject humor and wit into my songs, using clever wordplay and unexpected comparisons to lighten the tone or emphasize my point. I want my music to be thought-provoking, but also engaging and enjoyable for my audience.

I hope you find something that resonates with you in my music. As you explore my songs, I invite you to connect with my experiences, emotions, and the ideas that drive my creative process. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.

My instrumental style is deeply rooted in the '90s old-school underground hip-hop scene, and my beats reflect that authentic boom-bap sound. The connection between my lyrics and instrumentals is essential, as both elements work together to create the complete musical experience.

I craft boom-bap hip-hop beats that typically range from low 80s to high 90s in BPM (Beats Per Minute). This tempo range captures the essence of that golden era sound, providing the perfect backdrop for my thought-provoking lyrics.

My passion for vinyl records fuels my creativity, as I search for unique samples to flip and incorporate into my beats. Sample flipping is an art form in itself, involving the transformation of an original piece of music into something new and distinctive. This technique adds depth and texture to my instrumentals, paying homage to the hip-hop tradition of crate digging and repurposing sounds.

Instead of relying on modern computers (Mac or PC) for music production, I've chosen to embrace the classic equipment that helped shape the sound and culture of the hip-hop I love. My go-to tool is the iconic MPC2000XL, which allows me to create intricate beats with an authentic, vintage feel.

To further enhance my productions, I use the Boss SP-303 as my effects machine. This device enables me to process and manipulate the samples before incorporating them into my MPC2000XL compositions. This combination of equipment helps me stay true to the '90s hip-hop sound that I adore.

Although I no longer actively use my Emu SP-12 Turbo, it played a significant role in shaping my production style. The unique character and sonic qualities of this classic drum machine still influence the way I approach beat-making today.

Through my choice of equipment, sampling techniques, and commitment to the boom-bap sound, I strive to keep the spirit of '90s hip-hop alive in my music. As you delve into my instrumentals, I hope you appreciate the dedication and passion that goes into crafting each beat, providing the perfect foundation for my lyrical expression.